Latest news

31-07-2022 Announcement of third PhD defense

After Johannes Steinrücke and Judith van Stegeren, on 21 September 2022 also Paris Mavromoustakos Blom will defend his PhD thesis, based on his research in the Data2Game project.

14-07-2020 Two additional publications accepted

The abstract "The Effect of Self-Reflection on Information Literacy Performance in a Digital Serious Game" by Johannes Steinrücke, Bernard Veldkamp, and Ton de Jong was accepted for the Book of Abstract for the EARLI SIG14 Conference 2020 in Barcelona. Additionally, their paper titled "Information literacy skills assessment in digital crisis management training for the safety domain" was accepted for the journal Frontiers in Education. The abstract of the paper can already be viewed on the publisher's website.

01-04-2020 Paper accepted for the Games and NLP workshop at LREC 2020.

The paper "Creating a Sentiment Lexicon with Game-Specific Words for Analyzing NPC Dialogue in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" by Therese Bergsma, Judith van Stegeren and Mariët Theune was accepted for the GAMNLP workshop at LREC2020. Unfortunately the workshop in Marseille was cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Proceedings of LREC will be published as planned in May.

17-09-2019 Publication accepted

'Andromeda: a Personalised Crisis Management Training Toolkit' was accepted by GALA conference 2019.

15-07-2019 Demo and talks at COG 2019

Two DATA2GAME publications were accepted for the IEEE Conference On Games 2019. Judith van Stegeren will present a demo of Churnalist at the COG industry day. Paris Mavromoustakos will present a talk in the special session about e-sports.

03-06-2019 Posters at ICCC and ACL

Judith van Stegeren and Mariet Theune had two publications accepted: one at the International Conference on Computational Creativity 2019 (Charlotte, NC, USA) and one at the StoryNLP workshop at ACL 2019 (Florence, Italy).

10-05-2019 Journal paper accepted

The journal article 'Determining the effect of stress on analytical skills performance in digital decision games: Towards an unobtrusive measure of experienced stress in gameplay scenarios' was just accepted by Computers in Human Behavior.

16-10-2018 We are looking for research participants.

We are actively looking for research participants, for testing our new prototypes and games. Read more

01-07-2018 Towards Generating Textual Game Assets from Real-World Data was accepted at FDG 2018

A poster by Judith and Mariët titled Towards Generating Textual Game Assets from Real-World Data was accepted at the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) Conference of 2018. Judith will attend the conference in Malmö to present the poster, and to participate in the Doctoral Consortium.

15-05-2018 Personalised Crisis Management Training on a Tablet was accepted at FDG 2018

Paris' paper titled Personalised Crisis Management Training on a Tablet was accepted as a full paper at the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) Conference of 2018. He will attend the conference in Malmö to present his findings. Read more

10-05-2018 Poster accepted at Psychonomic Society 2018 in Amsterdam

Paris and Johannes had a poster accepted at Psychonomic Society 2018. Paris will be attending the conference to present the poster. Read more

18-01-2018 Successful workshop with VRT

The DATA2GAME team had a very successful workshop with VRT last week. We discussed the needs of the VRT with regard to training methods, and brainstormed about the possible functionality of a new adaptive training game.

11-01-2018 BMS lab tour

Bart Klaassen from the BMS lab at University Twente gave us a tour of the facilities of BMS lab. We were especially enthusiastic about the great variety of sensors that we can incorporate in our research.

Past events

2019-11-15 Workshop Wendbaar & Weerbaar

DATA2GAME organises a workshop at the yearly conference of Tijdschrift voor de Politie.

2019-08-20 IEEE Conference on Games 2019

The annual IEEE Conference on Games (IEEE CoG) seeks to share insights and cutting-edge research related to game technologies and design, covering scientific, technical, and engineering aspects of games.

2019-08-01 StoryNLP workshop at ACL2019

Judith van Stegeren is presenting research on NaNoGenMo (joint work with Mariët Theune) at the StoryNLP workshop at ACL2019.

2019-06-17 International Conference for Computational Creativity

The ICCC conference series organized by the Association for Computational Creativity since 2010 is the only scientific conference that focuses on computational creativity alone and also covers all aspects of it.

2019-01-31 CLIN29

Judith van Stegeren and Mariët Theune will visit Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN).

2018-10-17 Multidag VRT

Paris Mavromoustakos and Johannes Steinruecke will join the VRT in Almelo to talk about DATA2GAME.

2018-08-07 FDG 2018

Paris Mavromoustakos and Judith van Stegeren will visit the conference Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) in Malmö. Read more

2018-01-26 CLIN28

Some of our researchers will visit Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN), which is an annual conference about Computational Linguistics organised in Flanders (Belgium) and The Netherlands. Read more

2018-01-10 Workshop met Veiligheidsregio Twente

T-Xchange and University Twente host a workshop about game design and serious games.