The Data2Game project investigates how, and to what extent, the efficacy of computerised training games can be enhanced by tailoring the training scenarios to the individual player. The research is performed in close collaboration with serious-game developers at Thales/T-Xchange and with Veiligheidsregio Twente for the purpose of enhancing the training efficacy of members of a crisis management team.

The research is aimed at achieving three concrete research innovations:

  1. Techniques for the automated generation of in-game narratives that are tailored to the learning needs of the individual player
  2. Techniques for the automated modelling of players’ cognitive and affective states, based on in-game data and exhibited social signals, such that the training scenarios can be tailored to the individual player
  3. Validated studies on the relation of the player behaviour and game properties to learning performance.

To achieve these innovations the project combines expertise in three disciplines: language technology (specifically: text generation), artificial intelligence (specifically: player modelling and personalisation techniques), and science of teaching (specifically: game based learning and skills assessment).

You can read more info on the NWO website.

The partners

University of Twente

The University of Twente is a young and enterprising university that prepares young people for the future. We accomplish this through innovative, attractive and future-focused education and through fulfilling a global function in technological and social research.


Tilburg University

Tilburg University contributes to solving social issues. We achieve this mainly by developing and transferring knowledge and bringing together people from various disciplines and organizations. Therefore we have invited companies, organizations, government, and citizens to work together with us to develop new insights and solutions which create value for society. We create this innovation by conducting research, by learning, and by understanding. Understanding Society.


Veiligheidsregio Twente

Veiligheidsregio Twente is a collaboration between the joint emergency services and the municipalities of Twente.


HBA lab

HBA-Lab is a Thales Research & Technology Netherlands initiative. The focus and ambition of the Lab is Brain Computer Interface technologies, in particular understanding the value of bidirectional BCIs. Thales believes that humans must remain crucial to all critical decision-making in situations that increasing system autonomy brings. Therefore, Thales needs a perfect understanding of the mechanisms behind AI developments as well as analyzing human (team) behaviours as people interact with these new systems. HBA-Lab (started in 2018) is the successor of T-Xchange, a research collaboration between Thales Research and Technology and the University of Twente (2008-2017), which had its focus on serious games and game analytics. Research on game analytics is gradually evolving towards human behaviour analytics and BCIs.



The T-Xchange is research collaboration between Thales Research & Technology (TRT) Netherlands and University of Twente. Organizationwise the T-Xchange is led by a director, the researchers are affiliated with Thales Research & Technology or University of Twente. Over the years T-Xchange has worked together with several academia, knowledge institutes, companies and end user organizations and we realized dozens of serious game projects. We therefore acknowledge the valuable inputs, knowledge exchanges, and fruitful collaborations with them.
